iPhone and iPod Touch
By Calvin Azuri
TMCnet Contributing Editor
Fictionwise, Inc. today announced the availability of its popular, free eReader eBook reading application for the Apple (News - Alert) iPhone and iPod Touch. Currently, users of the iPhone and iPod Touch can read almost 50,000 eBooks, including NY Times best sellers and titles from popular authors, large publishing houses, and fine independent publishers.
The eReader eBook application is the only one to support best selling eBooks on Apple devices. Some of the authors whose works are available include Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, Michael Crichton, Ann Rice, James Patterson, and Harlequin Romance.
The eReader application is available as a free download once the Apple devices are upgraded to the 2.0 operating system through iTunes 7.7. The Apple iPhone (News - Alert) 3G, which was recently released, is pre-installed with the 2.0 operating system. This means that eReader can be immediately downloaded to the new iPhone without the need for an upgrade. eReader can be found in the reference section of the Apple on-device application store or with a search for the keyword "ereader."
"The Apple iPhone and iPod touch devices make killer eBook reading platforms," stated Steve Pendergrast, co-founder of Fictionwise, Inc. "They have large screens compared to most PDAs, and those screens are sharp and clear. Battery life is solid at 6 to 8 hours, enough for reading nonstop on a typical coast to coast flight, for example. Wireless connectivity makes uploading eBook content a breeze."
The eReader application is available on more than 300 different handheld devices, and the iPhone and iPod Touch devices are expected to be among the most popular for reading eBooks. This is because the screen quality on the iPhone and iPod Touch is crisper, clearer, higher contrast, and includes a built-in backlight for easy reading in low light situations. They feature small form factors that fit easily into a shirt pocket and can be used for many purposes beyond reading eBooks. The touch screen interface renders it more natural and easier to use than a number of higher-priced dedicated reading devices.
"The value proposition for reading eBooks on the iPhone and iPod touch is far more compelling than the dedicated eBook reading devices," remarked Scott Pendergrast, co-founder of Fictionwise, Inc. "With eReader, your purchased content is not locked in to a single vendor's hardware. We have customers who bought eReader books eight or even ten years ago for other devices who are today reading those same eBooks on their iPhone or iPod touch without having to repurchase them in a new format. Our system protects our customer's investment in eBook content."
Calvin Azuri is a contributing editor for TMCnet. To read more of Calvin’s articles, please visit his columnist page.
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