
To replace long URL names with hypertext links

Husband and wife team in North Hollywood created the future of the internet with the latest in internet technology, the HyperTransfer Engine at .

Finding, remembering, and sharing information over the internet will never be the same.The HyperTransfer Engine was created out of North Hollywood, CA by husband and wife team Mr. and Mrs. Allen on January 29, 2008 in an effort to increase internet efficiency. Mr. Allen was tired of typing in long URLs and found it difficult to share websites and web pages with others over the phone. In some instances it was even difficult when sitting right next to the person. To eliminate any confusion, the “HyperTransfer Engine” (HTE) replaces long URL names with questkeys (simple, personalized words, numbers, symbols, or phrases).

In essence, each questkey is a hypertext link. When entered into the QuestKeys’ HTE it transfers users to the associated hypertext link. If users do not have their own site, they can also create web pages through and link directly to those pages.

In addition, questkeys allow users to load the HyperTransfer Toolbar directly into their browsers. Once loaded, users can jump from one site to another within seconds. Users are allowed free access to create as many questkeys as they need to organize their internet experience. They are also allowed to sell or lease their questkeys to any who are interested. Mostly the site is designed for people who know where they are going online and want to get there fast.
The excitement of finding sites using single words in the place of long URLs propelled Mr. and Mrs. Allen to launch HTE Technology, along with the QuestKeys website, virtually overnight. Yet the majority of the couple’s collective knowledge in computer programming was self taught, exemplifying one of the only two mottos Mr. Allen claims to live by —“Don’t talk, just do.”His other motto is, “Anything that can be thought of can be done” which might explain why HTE Technology came from the Allens rather than from a more renowned internet mogul such as Google. That is not to suggest that QuestKeys makes search engines obsolete. Rather, HTE Technology increases the resourcefulness of such internet services. When internet users spend anywhere from minutes to hours searching the web they can literally create global bookmarks to remember, share, and revisit sites. Thus, questkeys makes internet usage both quicker and more efficient. QuestKeys first launched in the United States in February 2008 and has now populated over 600,000 questkeys and is still growing. Media Contact: Daniel Allen

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