Heidegger's ontology is a true ontology of transformation, an ontology of permanent mutation. Being is transformist.
Today, what is "fantastic" is that one can see the machinery of Being, its process having been fully uncovered. But there are two ways of transforming one's being:
It can be done in a "flexible" manner, one that acquiescently responds to the exigencies of "ontological capitalism." Or it can be done in a "metabological" fashion, one that is creative and explosive. Being offers these two modalities of mutation, or rather they are found in the extant (l'étant). Everything mutates and changes. There is no position outside of the extant that can protect us from the mortifying effects of flexibility. But the extant can give us something to resist with, but only if we realize what it can do.
Against all expectation, "salvation" will not come from Being, but from the rehabilitation of the extant.
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See that post with different algorithms in metabole
See the journal French Metablog with today different posts
Today, what is "fantastic" is that one can see the machinery of Being, its process having been fully uncovered. But there are two ways of transforming one's being:
It can be done in a "flexible" manner, one that acquiescently responds to the exigencies of "ontological capitalism." Or it can be done in a "metabological" fashion, one that is creative and explosive. Being offers these two modalities of mutation, or rather they are found in the extant (l'étant). Everything mutates and changes. There is no position outside of the extant that can protect us from the mortifying effects of flexibility. But the extant can give us something to resist with, but only if we realize what it can do.
Against all expectation, "salvation" will not come from Being, but from the rehabilitation of the extant.
Download ebooks on http://www.frenchtheory.com/
See that post with different algorithms in metabole
See the journal French Metablog with today different posts