
Books as efficent machines

The ebook market remains small, but Amazon's electronic reader has renewed interest in book downloads

More than four months after released the Kindle, publishers believe that it has helped, if not revolutionised, the tiny market for electronic books. has received extensive media coverage since unveiling the Kindle last November, when the first run sold out within a few hours. It has declined to give sales figures for the Kindle - at least 2,000, judging from the number of customer reviews - but has said repeatedly that supply is not keeping up with demand, with the device often out of stock.

Publishing officials are reluctant to discuss sales figures, but say that they have seen double digit increases in ebook sales since the Kindle's release, and renewed interest in downloads for the Sony Reader. Sales for the most popular ebooks are in the hundreds, comparable to the number for the Reader, which came out in 2006.

"The Kindle has increased awareness. Publishers have told me that in some cases the Sony numbers were double or triple what they had been," says Michael Smith, head of the International Digital Publishing Forum, which tracks ebook sales.
Selling through for $399 (£199), the Kindle is thinner than most paperbacks and weighs 0.29 kg. It can hold some 200 books, along with newspapers, magazines and an entire dictionary.

The Kindle has been praised for the selection of texts available - more than 100,000 books, blogs and newspapers - and for the speed of delivery, which averages less than a minute. Fans include authors such as Toni Morrison, Michael Lewis and Neil Gaiman.

Publishing is older by centuries than the music and film industries and its form of communication, the paper text, has proved far more durable than the vinyl record, eight-track tape or videocassette. New technologies, from the CD to the DVD, are usually more convenient and more effective than the ones they replace. But no ebook device has approached the practical and aesthetic appeal of the traditional book.

"Books themselves are very efficient machines, and the experience of holding a book is part of the book culture," says Farrar, Straus & Giroux publisher Jonathan Galassi, who called the Kindle "flimsy" and said it reminded him of an Etch-a-Sketch toy.
"Ebooks are a growing niche for now," Smith says, "but I certainly don't see a time when everybody will be reading them. People just love what the traditional book represents to them."
Ebooks are undeniably growing. According to the International Digital Publishing Forum, sales have risen steadily over the past six years, from around $6 million (£3 million) in 2002 to around $33 million (£17 million) in 2007. Those numbers do not include many smaller publishers, or library and educational purchases, making it likely - Smith and others believe - that the market for downloads is at least two or three times larger.
Each advance inevitably leads to speculation about a post-paper world: Would bookstores become obsolete? How would publishers handle online piracy? Would authors, like some musicians, become their own bosses, bypassing the industry altogether?

Ebooks have been around for more than a decade and speculation peaked in 2000-2001, the height of the boom. Several publishing houses set up ebook divisions, and an annual ebook prize, a $50,000 award co-sponsored by Microsoft, was started. Even Barnes & Noble, Inc. formed its own ebook line, launching the brand with an original work by Dean Koontz.
The electronic future, bookseller Michael Powell of Powell's Books said in 2000, was "coming down the road at lightning speed."

Few are so bold any more. Even after tripling their reported sales, ebooks comprise less than 1 percent of the $35 billion publishing business, a figure that is unlikely to change. The ebook divisions have been shut down, the ebook award no longer exists. Barnes & Noble has abandoned the ebook field.
"The market is very narrowly confined, to New York and Seattle and to a few people who travel and read a lot," says Frank Daniels III, chief operating officer for Ingram Digital, a leading e-distributor.
"The Kindle is certainly an important next step, but I don't think it signifies the end of the evolution," Smith says. "It's all incremental, one step that takes place down the line, like in the audiobook industry."
Ebooks have made their greatest progress with their first audience: publishers. For years, publishers resisted the product they were supposed to be pushing. In a 2001 interview, the head of the Association of American Publishers, Patricia Schroeder, rolled her eyes when asked about ebook devices: "I just look at these things and they're fine, but I just think ... "
In a recent interview, Schroeder spoke favorably of ebooks, but said she still had not read one.
Public sightings of ebooks remain rare compared to MP3 players or iPhones, but ebook readers have caught on in the industry. The Hachette Book Group USA, Simon & Schuster and Random House, Inc. are among those using Sony Readers to review manuscripts and executives are far more likely to say they've read an ebook.

"It's not a conversation I'm having with people outside the industry, but I think people will increasingly use ebooks. They'll be a niche, like audiobooks. I think that's the best comparison," says Jonathan Karp, publisher of the Hachette imprint, Twelve.
"I actually read in bed with the Sony e-reader, and I love it. It's lighter than a regular book, and easier to turn the pages than with a manuscript. I don't have to lug books back and forth. I'm saving paper. It's wonderful."

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