Access to a film on a PC or a video screen is not the same thing as viewing it in the cin
ema anymore than a print of a painting is the same thing as the painting itself, but in all these cases these alternative representations serve at worst as acceptable memory objects within scholarly argument. They are, in short, very much different than original.s
At first glance this may not seem to be all that important until we remind ourselves that these new textual objects, call it what you will, are not really the same than originals .
See that post with different algorithms in metabole
See the journal French Metablog with today different posts
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At first glance this may not seem to be all that important until we remind ourselves that these new textual objects, call it what you will, are not really the same than originals .
See that post with different algorithms in metabole
See the journal French Metablog with today different posts
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