Is there something personal in my work, other than my "personal" intellectual interests and political opinions?
There is always mention of mental relationship with otherness therefore. The work is also much more technically sophisticated, using HTML, Flash, software such as SQL, Photoshop, > PHP, Dot.netetc. At the end, the Text should be turned on for the whole thing because there are choosen philosophical texts on the main menu page, but some pieces use pictures and some don't. Metabole is a collection of electronic textual experiments where the goal was to make philosophy interactive in a new and different way in each piece. I was experimenting with user interface design, and my goal was to have a unique user interface and programming in each text.
For that reason, I did not make any traditional hypertext literature where you click on words in the text to get to new sections. ... Instead, each piece has its own kind of interaction. Some works are best seen as texts in their own right with fixed content, in which the user interaction just serves to explore the content, whereas other pieces are games or tools for users to create their own point of view. See the introduction for more on this. In most texts, if there is fixed or dynamic content, it is on behalf of political reasons...
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See that post with different algorithms in metabole
See the journal French Metablog with today different posts